Members Clubs

Boost your club’s member engagement

Engage new and existing community members alike, with our effortless professional and personalised introductions. 

A photo of a meeting with a presentation on a laptop screen as the focal point.
A panel of three women in a smaller event venue

Grow your community on auto pilot

Member-led organisations thrive when they invest in bringing their community together. But more often that not, creating these connections is a manual and time-consuming process.

The Meet in 10 system, acts as an extension of your back-office, connecting members in person, helping to establish professional friendships. By better engaging your members, you instill loyalty and boost member retention, helping your community to flourish.

Used and trusted by members in these spaces:


Benefits for members clubs

Strengthen community

Connection between members, is the lifeblood of your organisation.
The more people feel engaged, the more likely they are to return and get involved.

Meet in 10 acts as a member of your team, welcoming new members, and fostering meaningful relationships with everyone, regardless of their tenure.

Reduce admin work

Members love receiving personalised introductions, but these are typically manual and time consuming, reliant on your team to recall individual roles and objectives - a process that can fail entirely when an employee departs.

By implementing Meet in 10 to automate this process, you can connect your members effortlessly, at the click of a button.

Increase referrals

When members feel connected, and establish meaningful professional relationships, they can’t help but let others know. Whether by sharing their experience through word of mouth, or on social medi.

They are more likely to introduce prospective members to your community, helping to increase awareness and support for your mission.

Grow your club faster

A stronger community, improved member retention and greater brand awareness, all lead to increased member retention.
In turn, compounding to have a positive impact on your club’s finances.

With a stronger financial footing, you can focus more on what matters most to your community, and its overall impact.

How it works

A number 1 icon

Decide how members or attendees meet

Choose from pre-built events, or create your own....

A clock icon

10-minute speed intros

A wrench icon

Industry specific group meetups

An icon of two people

Spontaneous water cooler conversations

Someone using Meet in 10 on a desktop computer
A QR code to sign up for Meet in 10
A number 2 icon

Invite people to sign up.

Members/attendees register.

They choose how they want to connect.

Our algorithms identify others in the community with similar interests.

They receive a personalized introduction, and conversation starters to break the ice

A number 3 icon

Members meet, connect and return for more events.

New connections increase the value of their network.

Reduces the stress of walking into a room without knowing anyone.

You gain a more engaged and satisfied audience.

They share their experience and encourage peers to join.

All without you having to coordinate a thing!

Two people talking nearby an espresso machine


Got a question? Answers to the most common ones we hear are below

How do I get started?

Let’s jump on a call.
We’d love to get to know you, your company, and the challenges you are looking to solve. After that we can give you a demo, help you select the right package and get you set up.

How long does it take to set up?

A matter of hours. After our initial kick off call, to understand your priorities and learn about your engagement goals, our team will set up your account.Within 72 hours, your account will be active, and ready to start onboarding and engaging members.

How much does it cost?

It's a straight forward monthly fee, based on the number of "intro's you send a month.This means prices can start from as little as $0.10, depending on the number of intro’s you wish to send per month. All new clients receive one free round of intro’s to test the platform, and decide on the volume of intro’s that make the most sense for them.

When will we see results?

Clients typically hear feedback as soon as the platform launches. Expect to hear people exclaiming “You're my person”, when meeting their intro for the first time.The full benefits are realised once all of your members are onboarded, and are fully engaged in the platform - the more a client supports this by highlighting the benefits to their members, the quicker this typically happens.

Up for a quick chat?

See how Meet in 10 can help make your member's club stronger